Thursday, November 27

Happy Toffurkey Day!!

hear it in the stairwell:Mraz/Mayer/Guster Mix
I got to sleep in this morning. The of the few times since Levi ownership. When I did wake up around 11a.m. I decide Levi deserves a run. Continuing my "I don't care how I look" kick, I decide to head out fresh out of bed-I didn't have the morning dried drool on my cheek and as far as I could tell my morning breath wasn't horrific-I was doing good.
SO I'm running along in my parent's cold, rainy neiborhood and a car begins to drive slowly beside me. (don't look, don't look) And few more strides and I hear the driver calling my name. (don't look, don't look) My mind races and I come to the conclusion that I can't use the I'm-not-looking-because-my-headphones-are-too-loud excuse. I'm not wearing headphones. It's none other than the guy I had a HUGE crush on my freshman year in high school. Yes, he stops the car, gets out, asks how I'm doing, tells how he's doing and comments on how incredibly cute my dog is. I'm still wondering why he didn't say how good I am looking and ask if he could call later.
Only me.
I watched ET this afternoon. I had forgotten what an amazing movie it is-I need to own it. And for all of you who know me well enough to know that it takes a LOT to make me cry in an emotional way, I was seriously bawling. Great movie. I think next time I'll try to synch it with a Pink Floyd album for the added effect. Psychedelic.
And after eating much more than my stomach had expected I enjoyed some Wiggles! action with my favorite baby Kaitlyn. Classic- four intriguingly charismatic men dancing and singing with grade school girls. Wholesome:)
I looked over my NA stuff for a grand total of 1 minute today. I think I'm going to go play some catchphrase with the fam. Check back later.

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